The Dancing Policeman

DANCING DICKIE DANIELLS (Sergeant Richard Daniells) was a well-known policeman who regularly directed traffic at the Fiveways in the 1960s.

The Dancing Policeman

“The art of directing traffic has been an integral part of police training since the 1920s. A number of officers took to the task with great flair. DANCING DICKIE DANIELLS was well known for his flamboyant style. Many people remember seeing him on Brisbane Streets, dancing his way around the traffic points.”
(Source: QPS media)

He became a legend among commuters.  Here are some comments about him:

Sue H: People used to go to the Fiveways just to watch him. He was fantastic.

Joyce G:  My husband  had a BSA Road Rocket when we were dating and he used to go through his go signals with a bit of throttle and he would yell out —Good on you mate ” he was fantastic on the Point Duty he sure got the traffic through.

Greg T: Dancing Dickie also “danced” on the corner of Gipps and Ann sts. Northern end of the Story Bridge….

Ray T: We saw him here, we saw him there, we saw him almost everywhere!

Sandi H: I remember him very well!! Used to look out for him every time my bus passed through Woolloongabba every morning and early evening. He certainly controlled the five corners expertly and was a real joy to watch! Traffic lights now, how boring!

Ray G: When I first started work in 1951 I used to ride my push bike into the city, as a lot of teenagers did. When it was Logan Road’s turn to go, Sgt.Dickie Daniels would say ” Okay boys, see who is first to the next corner”, and we would pedal like blazes and make a race of it;  and when he was on duty on the city end of the Victoria Bridge he would do the same and we would race to be first into Elizabeth St.

Marie A: He knew most people as they drove past yes,  he is a legend.

Pip C: I remember him well. I loved watching him. What happened to the dear man?

19 thoughts on “The Dancing Policeman”

  1. Dancing Dickie, everybody loved him. He would twirl this way and that. He kept it up throughout his shift. It was a wonder he wasn’t exausted at the end of the day.

    1. Yes wouldn’t that be great. I wish someone had a video of him but back then, not many people had camera’s let alone a video camera.

  2. In response to the query from Pip C. Dancing Dicky passed away in May 2001, and rests with his wife at the Moore – Linville Cemetery at the township of Moore in the upper Brisbane Valley.

  3. Brian Rackley says:

    I remember him working at the RNA show in August when i worked for Golden Circle doing soft drink deliveries there i would often have a chat we got to know each other over the years

  4. Dicky Daniells passed away on 19-May-2001 in Brisbane and is buried in Moore/Linville Cemetery Brisbane Valley Qld along with his wife and Lots of rellies.

  5. Jayden daniells says:

    This is my great great grandfather ! Never met him but only heard great things about him. He is buried beside my dads farther and my uncles !

    1. Yvonne Bence says:

      Hello I would like to find out where Judith lives, I went to Kedron with her in the early 60’s
      my name is Yvonne McQuillan. tks

      1. Judy Kierle says:

        Good Morning Yvonne

        I live in Clare North Queensland. You would not believe my first child had spina bifidia like your son.
        How is he doing?
        I am still teaching. It would be good to be in contact after all these years. My email is I did write it on a reply when at work but didnt write a message. if you look up Townsville telephone book you will see me there leave a message as my husband does not answer numbers we do not know.

    2. Judy Kierle says:

      Hi Jayden Dick Daniells cannot be your Great grandfather or I would know you perhaps a great great cousin I cannot see see you in my family tree so don’t think he can be a great great Uncle but then you would have to be related to Bill or Jack as the rest of his siblings were girls who on marriage would change their name.
      He was a wonderful father and so generous would give the shirt off his back to a needy person. he wrote beautiful letters, once he retired he wrote to me every week as well as Mum. I left home at 19 so always kept in contact by letters. I still have all of his letters.

      1. bob kirkwood says:

        Yes, Dick Daniells
        I’ve done the rounds of a lot of the cemeteries up Linville way and have viewed Dick’s grave , my mates brother and uncle are buried in that cemetery.
        I was only young but can rememberer his dancing at the intersections

    3. Hello Jayden

      I would really like to meet you. Please contact me as I believe this message is sent to you.
      Not even sure if you met your father.
      Auntie Judy

    4. Pat Carseldine says:

      Buried at Linville.

    5. How wonderful for you Jayden!

  6. makes my heart swell with pride to have known such a great man ,rode my bike past him quite a lot and as i got closer he would say com on son ,i am 80 now and still remember him like it was yesterday.

  7. Ken Hartley says:

    Has anybody got footage of him doing his dance? I have searched national sound and film Archives etc and can’t find any. What a shame if his artful work was never recorded for us to marvel at.

    1. Angela Shannon says:

      I too would like to find any footage of him. Maybe one of the TV channels might have something in their archives

    2. Judy Daniells says:

      RACQ once had footage of him- saw it at one of their centenary celebrations.

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