When we look back on our school days we often find that some experiences, both good and bad, made such an impression on us that we can still recall them vividly many years later.
In this section we feature photos posted of past students of Kangaroo Point State School posted on our Facebook page and the fascinating exchanges and connections they started. Full names are included to make it easier to recognise students.
If you have more memories of your or your family’s school days to share, please contact us and we will include them on the page.
LEONE ENGEL(nee BRINER) and GEOFF RUTHERFORD started a real ‘walk down memory lane ‘ for many. Leone was a student from 1950 to 1958, while Geoff attended from 1955 to 1959. Here’s what they shared:
Leone E. Welcome to our wonderful Group. Good to learn of another person who also attended Kangaroo Point State School and also went to East Brisbane State School for manual training but in my case domestic science. Which year were you at KPSS? My brother and I were there in the 1950’s.
Geoff R. 1955 to the of1959.George Heisman was my teacher most of the time. Len Biers in Grade 8.
Leone E. This is my first class at Kangaroo Point State School in 1950. I’m in second back row eighth from the left.Prep 1 ,1950
Leone E. My brother Michael in his first class at Kangaroo Point State School in 1951. His Teacher was Joyce Millingen. Michael is top row fifth from the left. Where are you in the photo Geoff Rutherford?
Leone E. My brother Michael Briner in Grade 8 at Kangaroo State School in 1959. Michael is in the back row sixth from the left. Does anyone recognise former pupils? Where are you Geoff Rutherford?
Geoff R. Third on the left back row, behind Dennis Foster and beside Paul Turner.
The tall boy next to Michael was a Parmentor I think, recognize Glen Allen and John Lee Cam Chee.
Joyce Guttormsen. 3 years after me.
This photo of JOYCE GUTTORMSEN’S Grade 1 class in 1950 re-kindled many memories from fellow past students:
“Kangaroo Point State School – a long time ago”
Sue Holt. I still have my school badge, Kangaroo Point, same as the girl has on her uniform front holding the slate. Started year one 1956
Leone Engel. My brother and I were also at KPSS early 1950s.
Sue Holt. Hi Leone, what year did you start thanks.
Leone Engel. I began at KPSS in 1950 and my brother Michael started in 1951. Following Morning Parade I’d play marching music into school on the piano especially if the record player wasn’t functioning. My maiden name was “Briner” and both Michael’s and my first teacher there was Miss Joyce Millingen. What was your maiden name, Sue?
Joyce Guttormsen. I had the same teacher but we had Prep 1 and Prep 2 then prep 3 and 4 –before Grade one Miss Milligan was my first teacher –there was also Miss Kemp –Miss Booth –Mr Daniels and Mr Fitzgerald –Mr Croft was the headmaster later replaced by Mr Tweedy a much nicer p!erson.
Leone Engel I recall all those teachers and certainly agree MR. Tweedy was a fine person. Miss Booth was famous for her chalk throwing accuracy!!!!What was your maiden name Joyce?!
Joyce G. Bowen
Joyce G. Leone.. and dusters
Leone Engel Thanks Joyce. Forgot about the dusters as well. Despite all of that she was a good teacher as were Mr. Daniels, MR. Fitzgerald and Miss Booth. Which year did you commence at KPSS?
Joy Guttormsen 1948
Leone Engel. Just two years ahead of me. We could have played basketball or tennis or softball together. Did you enjoy the milk which “cooked”in the sun before the Milk Monitors retrieved them?!!!
Jennifer Maguire. My Mum is the girl on the left holding the slate…Dianne Maguire nee Atchison
Gail Wells Lindy Wallace.. only a couple of years before us but clothes are so similar
Lindy Wallace. Could almost be us.
Lindy Wallace Also started in 1956 with Sue Holt (nee Goodchap). Not sure if i still have my badge Sue but I do have the pennant for being the Junior Basketball Premiers 1963
Sue Holt That’s great Lindy. I have all my school photos from KP and have my first report card, grade 1, was hand made by the teacher. Remember how we didn’t have uniforms until year 2, I think. My Mum went to KP school as well, she would be 95 if still with us now.
Lindy Wallace I have a couple of report cards also but only a few school photos Sue. You have a good memory, I hadn’t remembered about the uniforms. Maroon box pleats – feels like yesterday. It’s amazing that your Mum also attended KP. It always intrigues me that no matter how old we are, we forever miss our Mums.
Joyce Guttormsen this is one of the few photos i have left the others got damaged in the floods when in storage — we were grey nomads for eighteen years.
Lindy Wallace I’m so sorry to hear that Joyce, photos are irreplaceable. Thanks for today’s technology I’ve started to scan all our old photos so we don’t loose them permanently. We’re about to put our belongings into storage for a couple of years – fingers crossed there are no big floods in that time.
Gail Wells Lindy Wallace and Sue Holt, what a lovely walk down memory lane 💕. I still have these badges Lindy.Lindy Wallace Wow! Where were they Gail? Are they from our time playing basketball at the park at the back of our place in East Brisbane – can’t remember the name of the park.
Gail Wells Lindy Wallace . I’ve had them in a little satin bag for ever. After all our moves and downsizing it’s amazing 😉. They are stamped 68 and 69 on the back and yes that’s where the games were. Am I right in thinking it was half Netball/basketball as we know it today!
Lindy Wallace Good on you for keeping them Gail. We’re had another clean-out but there are some things you just can’t part with. I think you’re right about the rules of the game. Did you play after you left school? I thought we were much younger when we did that. Blimey my memory is a worry.
Gail Wells Lindy Wallace , I think we always played but I joined the Army in 1970 at 17, so 68 & 69 I had left school…., now I’m feeling really old 🤣🥴🥰
Lindy Wallace Your memory is so good Gail. The years are a bit of a blur to me I’m afraid.
Christa Gerard. What a wonderful exchange of memories!! Thank you ladies!
Young Hilary Langford spent only eight weeks at Kangaroo Point Primary School yet has some vivid
memories of that time. While she has happy memories of life at Yungaba, her school memories at KP contrast sharply with those of her school days in India, where she spent her first eight years. Trudging up the hill with her siblings from Yungaba to the small school on the KP cliffs was a far cry from being taken to school in a rickshaw!
Hilary’s parents had moved from England to India in 1946 where her father managed large missionary hospitals in different parts of the country in the turbulent pre- and post-independence days. Ten years later they decided to emigrate to Australia so their five children could have a good education. After arriving in Melbourne during the 1956 Olympic Games they flew straight to Tasmania and two years later moved to Brisbane where they were given accommodation at Yungaba, the Immigration Depot. After eight weeks there they moved to their own home in Indooroopilly.
Many years and a lifetime of experiences later Hilary is once again living in what is now a very different Kangaroo Point. Here are some of her memories.George C. my eldest son is left-handed, know what you are saying …child abuse in many forms
Nev M. George, in my experience as a teacher the insistence to only use the right hand ceased about late 60s. When asked how many left hand writers were in my class I would reply that I didn’t know , not saw it as significant.
Daniel K. Wonderful story and memories.
Bruce G. Too bad my Mum has passed so she can’t tell me why she went to St Joey’s rather than K Pt School. She recounted over the years how she hated the Nuns and she wasn’t Catholic. She was born and raised in Mark Lane which was only a stone’s throw from St Joey’s so I guess that’s the reason.
Adrienne P. Bruce, wasn’t my mum just a few years older than yours?
Bruce G. Adrienne, yours born 1913 I think. My mum born 1925. Quite a difference really.
Jeff W. Beautifully written ·memory comment. I imagine living so centrally at Yungaba would have been like staying at the Hilton compared to being relegated to Wacol out in the ‘sticks’ which was in a sense in the bush.
Hilary L. Jeff, Indeed. It really was racism in action! The Brits were considered as far superior. It mean it was so much easier for my parents to go house hunting. Out at Wacol there was very little public transport. Imagine trying to hunt for accommodation or a job!
Lindy W. Lovely story from Hilary. I remember quite a few children from Yungaba attending KP school when i was there. Meeting children from other countries and circumstances was enlightening for me. Around fifty years later, while living in Perth, I met a fellow who had also stayed at Yungaba after emigrating from England. His memories were of a place quite run down, however he always maintained an interest in the place and relieved when it was preserved and not demolished
NEV and JEAN MANSER ( nee Wright )– Kangaroo Point State School photos 1954 and 1959 Grade 2, 1954. Jean is in the second row standing, 5th from the left
Gail W. Don’t these photos bring back memories. I always wished I could have been picked to hold the slate.
Lindy W. Yeah me too Gail W. Memories sure do play tricks – I remember that wall between the school and the lower playground being much higher
COLLEEN FORNO’S family memories of Kangaroo Point State School
I was born at Kangaroo Point 76 years ago and spent my first 9 years living at 22 Bell Street Kangaroo Point. I thought you might like to see some of my photos from the early days.
The first is Kangaroo Point State School in 1918 and 1919. My Aunt Mercia (Florrie) Trapnell is in the photo from 1918.
Then we move to when I went to school there in my early years. In 1950 I am the one holding the slate. I remember several names from those days. I remember my first teacher was Miss Milligen and the head master was Mr Croft. He broke a ruler across my legs for sharpening my slate pencil when I was told not to.
Treasured memories of Kangaroo Point State School 1920s-1930s
You never know what turns up when you’re working on a family tree! Stephanie Jones has been researching and recording the story of her great aunt MARGARET ANN DOUGHERTY (1890-1974) who married GEORGE TEDMAN (1885-1976) in 1914. George was born in London and came to Australia as a child. He was a grocer in South Brisbane and a produce merchant in Woolloongabba. A keen sportsman, he was a member of the Pineapple Rovers Football Club and the Kangaroo Point Cricket Club. From 1929 to 1932 he was the member for Maree in the Queensland Legislative Council.
Margaret and George had two children, Beryl and Keith. Beryl was born in 1917 and Keith in 1920. The family lived in East Brisbane and then at 543 Main Street, Kangaroo Point. The house has now been demolished and is a vacant block, but the concrete base of their front fence is still visible.
Beryl and Keith Tedman both attended Kangaroo Point Primary School. Beryl was enrolled in the Kangaroo Point Girls School on 25 June 1929 and Keith started at the Kangaroo Point Boys School a few years later. Here are some of their school photos – see description beside each photo. Thank you, Stephanie for sharing these family treasures with us.