Clarence Corner chemist success story

Robert Lenehan’s pharmacy at Clarence Corner in 1915. A National Bank of Australasia Ltd building is on the left.

Another Clarence Corner success story. Robert Lenehan was a highly regarded chemist located at 582 Stanley Street. He bought his first chemist shop from Thomason Chater Ltd in 1908. The building was later demolished and replaced with the Lenehan Building.

Robert Lenehan’s two-storey timber pharmacy at Clarence Corner in 1929.

The two-storey building is situated on a corner at the Fiveways. A wide verandah covers the footpath and advertising signs cover the edges of the verandah roof. One wall above the verandah advertises the Fiveways Pharmacy and also the Clarence, opposite Annerley Road. There are several people on the footpath including a young boy and two small children.

Robert Lenehan was highly regarded as a businessman and member of the local community. He built up a successful pharmacy business and was on the Pharmacy Board for some years. He also had an avid interest in sailing, bowls and the Masonic Lodge. He lived in a residence at the corner of Vulture and King Streets.

His death notice in the Brisbane Courier, 20 February 1932 clearly outlines his many achievements.

Photos and descriptions courtesy of SLQ.